Hey love, where you going to?

You're not sleeping anymore, you're just trying to.

Stay love, where you running to?

Awful happens all the time, don't let it kill you.

Easily with me I feel as fast as I can see..

Afraid of the horror stories I fall down on my knees.

Come away, come away

From all these things unheard

If a chosen word has got you cornered

Then it's a lesson learned

Like close the book before it burns you.

Come away, come away

From all these things unseen

At the price you paid I promise you won't believe anything they say

Belief will only disappoint you

Well in case you never noticed the path you never chose has chosen you.

Don't be fraid to face and break it, your secrets...yeah...

Don't be afaid to face and break it, your secrets...stay, stay...

hey, hey love where ya goin'? ya goin to...

You're not sleepin' in, you're not sleepin' in, no, not...

Hey love, hey love, hey love, where ya runnin' to?

Awful happens all the time, try not to let it kill you...


Kelebihan :
1. Terintegrasi dengan Google Account. Jika anda memiliki account di gmail atau Google reader, otomatis anda sudah memiliki account blogger.com
2. Proses Sign Up yang mudah.
3. Bisa memasang script AdSense.
4. Panel Kontrol yang sangat sederhana dan mudah dimengerti.
5. Tersedia navigasi dalam bahasa Indonesia.
6. File CSSnya dapat diedit.
7. Navigasi admin sederhana, dan mudah dimengerti : posting, Pengaturan, Tata Letak
8. Ada widget untuk polling
9. Bisa memiliki banyak blog dalam satu account

Kekurangan :
1. Tampilan dashboard terlalu sederhana. kurang fancy
2. Pilihan template bawaan terlalu sedikit, sehingga banyak blog dengan tampilan sejenis. Hey, siapa yang suka menjadi generik?
3. Jika pengunjung hendak memberikan komentar, pengunjung perlu membuka halaman baru. Ini cukup menjengkelkan.
4. Tidak bia melihat statistik pengunjung. jumlah pengunjung, search term yang mereka pakai, dari mana mereka berasal, dan berbagai statistik lain. ( kecuali anda memasang script tracker Google Analytics di widget anda. sedang kami uji coba nih.

well,, what to write??

uhm,, my first blog. and i feel stupid that i can't menage it well

just make it as a school task

About this blog

